Monday, September 30, 2019

Case Study of Stock Management System

In effect this means getting the correct product to the customer in the right place at the right time. When talking about the customer it is important to distinguish between the customer in the street i.e. general public, and the customer, the trader, who is buying the goods to sell on at any level. The term logistics applies to all customers but we are applying the term to the trader for the benefit of this study. In recent years, focus upon logistics has become of paramount importance at all levels of trade and has become a major emphasis in large-scale retail, especially those with a high and fast turnover i.e. supermarkets. This is reflected in recent reports:  ¡Ã‚ §A prime objective of any business should be constantly to seek ways of reducing the total costs of ownership while lowering their own costs ¡K ¡ Cost of ownership is the costs above those charged, for example, inventory carrying, warehousing and handling, ordering and quality inspection. To minimalise these costs, large-scale retailers have spent great deals of money upon centralized stock distribution and computerized inventory management systems, to try and gain a competitive market advantage. Centralized stock distribution involves using one as opposed to many warehouses to distribute stock for more efficient transportation. Inventory management systems automate many of the tasks involved in the control of stock and reordering. Without effective distribution and effective inventory management systems, other activities and functions carried out within the company may at best, fail to be optimized and, at worst, be rendered a waist of time if time. Therefore no money and (or) time saved in the long term. Leaders of these management systems include the likes of J. Sinsbury, Tesco, Asda, Iceland and Safeway, the case study I shall discuss in this piece of coursework. Safeway has a sales base ordering inventory management system, known as Stock Management III (SMIII), introduced in 1992/3. This was fully implemented to centrally distribute many of their product ranges, including; grocery, beers, wines and spirits and non-food department items. SMIII ¡s aim was to improve the accuracy of stock ordered in the stores, reducing the number of out of stock produce and therefor creating sales maximization. Moreover reducing wastage, reducing backstocks and creating a consistency in merchandising practices. SMIII uses data collected in each store to work out the sales forecast for each product using the store inventory. It then converts these quantities for ordering. These processes rely on data input for accuracy. There are six key concepts involved in this process. Firstly, the sales forecast. Line by line information on sales is built up at the checkout. A forecast of how much more stock is likely to be required is then calculated for future ordering periods. The demand is calculated using specific parameters for each line. The system must take into account: how much stock the store already has; the space allocated for each product; the code life of products (when they become out-of-date); outstanding deliveries; sales opportunities (promotions etc.) and current business policies. The system will then calculate how much stock is needed for sales and the amount needed to fill the shelves. Case Rounding rules are needed to convert the two figures, that of sales and to fill the shelf, for ordering. This is quite simple. The system will always order enough stock to fulfil the sales. It then decides according to the amount of shelf space, whether to round up or down to the nearest case to fill the shelves. It must be noted that the accuracy of the orders generated by the system is only as good as the data input. Data is obtained from a number of sources, therefor it relies upon each department or division getting its part of the process correct. The departments are responsible for entering product and item movement information into SMIII and processing stock as follows: Trading: ranging, space allocation, units per outer (UPO), data integrity. Supply chain: supply to depot, optimum lead times, data integrity. Distribution: delivery of right stock to store at right time. Store: replenishing shelves, scanning, accurate bookstocks. If any one of these items is omitted then the process will fail. These above activities affect the inventory and range, the two key aspects of SMIII. The system relies on accurate inventory data. Most item movement is updated automatically; deliveries through the companies central distribution system and sales captured by scanning at the checkouts. The store though is required to inform SMIII of any stock that enters or leaves the store through other channels. For example: spoilage; inter-store transfers; inter-departmental transfers (e.g. purchases for the staff restaurant); cross-picks (stock delivered but not ordered and vice versa); quality control (damaged stock that is not offered for sale). Moreover stores take a bookstock check.. This is where a check is undertaken for any product out of stock, or where stock levels are exceptionally high or low. If the bookstock is inaccurate, the system is informed, improving the accuracy of the next order. The range refers to the actual range of products the store holds. For instance, a smaller in-town supermarket will not supply the array of products that an out-of-town hypermarket will stock. Stocking plans are determined by the trading division and are transmitted to the store where they are accepted into the store range. Stores are required to carry the full range of products within their plan size. This is an important factor because it shows that stores are not allowed to delete products from the range. They are however allowed to change the space allocated to a product. SMIII calculates the optimum quantity of stock required to cover expected sales, safety stock levels (in cases where sales outstrip forecast) and stock levels required to maintain shelf presentation standards. In the case of groceries and long life products if accurate ‘fill and face ¡ information is not correctly input into the system by the store, shelf presentation may be affected and, moreover, out of stocks or high back-stocks may occur. Through these factors the, sales forecast is achieved. Inaccurate sales forecasts will result in incorrect orders being generated. This could result in out of stocks, excessive back-stocks and/or unnecessary wastage. The above factors must, in tern be undertaken accurately. To achieve this the store must enforce a number of disciplines throughout, from stockroom level i.e. tidy, with stock in correct place to maximize stock level efficiency. Through to daily checks for out-of-date goods, and ensuring shelf space is allotted correctly and displays are correct. A mid-morning inspection of a Safeway supermarket has been undertaken. There were a number of factors that can be seen as unsatisfactory from the stores point of view. I shall undertake to identify theses and solve them with minimum disruption to the store. There were a number of problems with the produce department. Firstly presentation was poor in a number of the commodity groups such as root vegetables and loose apples. If the display does not look good or is not up to a reasonable standard, this can affect the customer ¡s discussion to buy, this could affect forecasting levels especially if it occurred on more than one occasion. If the produce looks bad on a number of occasions it could affect the customers decision to shop at the store in the long term. Moreover, If the displays are not full this may jeopardize the SMIII ¡s calculation of quantities reordered as it runs on the assumption that the shelves are always optimally filled. Therefore sales cannot be maximized as the space allocation is not being followed. Finally it can be seen that if the display is bad this could mean that some of the produce is being caused damage unnecessarily. Creating wastage and again potentially affecting the customers decision to buy. This needs to be sorted out quickly and efficiently, although not at a busy time, as from experience it can be off-putting trying to shop when people are filling the shelves. Moreover it must be noted that blame should not necessarily be rested upon anyone due to it being a mid-morning inspection on a Friday; a popular day for the weekly shop, the morning probably being the busiest time especially just after the school run. It is quite possible and probable that the poor display is due to the morning rush of customers. There was only one item out of stock, cauliflower due to a delivery shortage at the depot. Obviously nothing can be done about this at store level. But this information needs to be input into the SMIII to keep the store inventory updated so that this will be taken into account when forecasting. This reflects well on the produce department as the whole range other than this is shown giving people the most possible choice. There are wider implications for an out of stock item in a situation where there are two competing supermarkets. If a different item on someone ¡s shopping list is out of stock each week, it may be a factor in persuading them to shop elsewhere. The produce delivery was being worked and the shelves were in the process of being stocked. Although this may cause shoppers some inconvenience it shows that the department is keeping the stock rolling, maximizing space used in line with the SMIII ‘thinking ¡. Deliveries though should ideally arive and be sorted before opening to minimise inconvenience for both the shopper and staff, as it is easier to attend to the task in an empty shop. Product quality was generally good, although a number of grapefruit, which were below standard, were now being removed. These grapefruit must then be counted and entered into the system to update the inventory for forecasting. It can be seen as good that the bad fruit were being removed, but bad stock must always be removed as soon as possible as customers will notice and may be put off buying. In a wider aspect though, perhaps stockholding levels should be looked at as they may have been in the store too long due to excess stock. This could also be damage through bad storage or transportation, which would need looking into if it recurred continuously. Overall it can be seen that bad stock, shortages and displays should be checked regularly and sorted out as soon as possible. People look at these factors when making buying decisions. This is concerned with relationship marketing where there should be a twin focus on total quality and service as a source of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction ensures better customer retention and therefor greater profitability. The customer can be put off by too many staff filling shelves as it can distract from the pleasure of being able to browse whilst shopping. Therefor a balance must be found. The forecasting potential was good in the produce section as long as out of stock and wastage was entered into the SMIII system. Otherwise stockholding levels could be affected especially with the non-full lines. Moreover the presentation must be kept to a high standard as this may affect peoples opinion of the shop and therefore customer loyalty. The grocery department had three main problem areas. The promotional point of sale was missing from an on-shelf promotion on the tea/coffee section. This is a major problem as it would have a great affect on the forecasting. The store would expect to sell more of this product through the promotion, and therefor have ordered in more to compensate. Sales would not reflect the expected response to the promotion, as people would be unaware of it. This needs to be rectified as soon as possible and the system notified as the anticipated extra demand would not be apparent. This would affect forecasting and therefore future orders; potentially causing a shortage once the promotion was displayed. Loose stock was stacked behind other adjacent products on the soup section and appeared to have been there for several weeks. This reflects bad organization. Stock may not be noticed by the customer and space allocation disrupted. Space for the stock is allocated so that the system can accurately forecast the quantity of goods required to both fill the shelf and for sales. Using the space incorrectly can affect stockholding levels due to the amount predicted to be on the shelves and in storage. Although actual recording of sales will not be affected, it must be noted that sales could be, if the product namely soup couldn ¡t be found. This needs to be sorted out immediately, and could possibly reflect a lack of motivation in store, as the shelves were not stacked correctly. It also reflects badly on myself as acting manger, as this problem appeared to have been so for weeks. Store inspections must be held regularly to ensure this type of problem does not occur.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Assignment for Distribution Channel

Assignment for the next class. ( P. S. You are required to split yourselves in group of 6to 8 members each, the details of which shall be collected in class. Students would be called out randomly from each group to present their analysis. In case of a dismal performance of any group member, the marks of the whole group will be at stake! ) 1. The marketing channel for Mary Kay Cosmetics is called a â€Å"direct selling† channel. The company uses a sales force of over 1,000,000 Independent Beauty Consultants around the world.These Consultants are not employees of Mary Kay Corporation; they buy cosmetics from the company at a wholesale price and sell at a retail price to end-users. They maintain personal relationships with their end-user consumers, and deliver product to them after it is ordered; it is a high-service purchasing relationship from the consumer’s point of view. Consultants thus act as both distributors and retailers. a. To what extent does an Independent Beau ty Consultant participate in the eight universal marketing flows? . How might these flows be shifted, either among the members now in the channel or to different agencies or institutions not presently included? What do you think would be the implications of such shifts? (think about how cosmetics are sold through department stores or through drugstore chains, for example) c. Within each of these distribution systems, specify what the consumer's role is from a flow-absorption perspective.Contrast this with the consumer’s role when buying cosmetics from a department store, or a drugstore chain. 2. For each of the three scenarios below, categorize the demand for bulk- breaking, spatial convenience, waiting/delivery time, and assortment/variety as â€Å"High,† â€Å"Medium,† or â€Å"Low. † In each case, explain your answers. a. A woman in an emerging-market country of Southeast Asia wishes to buy some cosmetics for herself.She has never done so before, and i s not entirely sure of on what occasions she will wear the cosmetics. She does not live near a big city. She is too poor to own a car, but has a bit of extra money for a small luxury. b. A manufacturer uses a particular industrial chemical in one of its large-scale production processes and needs to buy more of this chemical. The rest of the raw materials for its plant operations are delivered in a â€Å"just in time† fashion. c.Before you visit certain parts of the world, you are required to get a yellow fever vaccine. Many travelers let this slip until the last minute, forgetting that it is advisable (or avoiding an unpleasant shot as long as possible). But, they definitely realize they need the shot, and don't want to have to cancel their trip at the last minute because they didn't get it. They often find themselves making a long trip to a regional medical center because they didn't plan ahead.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Benjamin Franklins Declaration of Independence

Franklin†s loyalty to America shows greatly throughout his life in his writings and jobs. Franklin†s many jobs included being an inventor, politician, author, statesman, philosopher, soldier, scientist, citizen, and a printer. Franklin helped stabilize America by helping to write the countries declaration of independence, which is only one of his many works. Benjamin Franklin†s leadership did not only influence the people of his time, but this great quality still influences the people of today. Many people today think of Franklin as a proud pillar of our national heritage. Most of Franklin†s education was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and create new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin†s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to retell his mistakes so others will not do the same. One of Franklin†s strongest beliefs includes his religion. Franklin did not believe in organized religion and believed strongly in Deism. This shows his concern for other Americans. One of Franklin†s most contributive works to America besides his diplomacy was the Declaration of Independence. Not only did Franklin help write this document, but he was also the oldest person to sign it. Franklin published an annual book called Poor Richard†s Almanac. In this book Franklin included both important and useless information. Franklin predicted temperatures, told tales, included some of his favorite quotes, and had many fun facts published in this book. This is one of Franklin†s most famous quotes â€Å"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.† (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin†s intelligence on time management. Here Franklin claims to be a precise, healthy, and wise person. Franklin†s inventions contributed greatly to both the world then, and the modern world. Franklin invented bifocals, the dumb waiter, the Franklin stove, and completed many experiments on electricity. Another of Franklin†s great contributions to America was establishing the first lending library, hospital, and fire station. Franklin worked on ideas such as better-paved and lighted streets. Benjamin Franklin was a â€Å"true American† because of his dedication to starting, sustaining, and stabilizing America as a country. Benjamin Franklins Declaration of Independence Franklin†s loyalty to America shows greatly throughout his life in his writings and jobs. Franklin†s many jobs included being an inventor, politician, author, statesman, philosopher, soldier, scientist, citizen, and a printer. Franklin helped stabilize America by helping to write the countries declaration of independence, which is only one of his many works. Benjamin Franklin†s leadership did not only influence the people of his time, but this great quality still influences the people of today. Many people today think of Franklin as a proud pillar of our national heritage. Most of Franklin†s education was self-taught through his hard work and dedication to learning. This education helped Franklin in many ways to write many books, outsmart other politicians, and create new inventions. Franklin knows he can not relive his life so decides that writing a book would be the next best thing. In Franklin†s autobiography, which he writes to his son, he tries to retell his mistakes so others will not do the same. One of Franklin†s strongest beliefs includes his religion. Franklin did not believe in organized religion and believed strongly in Deism. This shows his concern for other Americans. One of Franklin†s most contributive works to America besides his diplomacy was the Declaration of Independence. Not only did Franklin help write this document, but he was also the oldest person to sign it. Franklin published an annual book called Poor Richard†s Almanac. In this book Franklin included both important and useless information. Franklin predicted temperatures, told tales, included some of his favorite quotes, and had many fun facts published in this book. This is one of Franklin†s most famous quotes â€Å"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.† (Perkins) This saying shows Franklin†s intelligence on time management. Here Franklin claims to be a precise, healthy, and wise person. Franklin†s inventions contributed greatly to both the world then, and the modern world. Franklin invented bifocals, the dumb waiter, the Franklin stove, and completed many experiments on electricity. Another of Franklin†s great contributions to America was establishing the first lending library, hospital, and fire station. Franklin worked on ideas such as better-paved and lighted streets. Benjamin Franklin was a â€Å"true American† because of his dedication to starting, sustaining, and stabilizing America as a country.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical Discourse in Design - Intention versus Perception Assignment

Critical Discourse in Design - Intention versus Perception - Assignment Example To achieve this, the company has a team of professionals, including the most creative minds and the best directors in the country. Some of the recent campaigns by the company include (included are the links to the commercials).   Movistar is one of the top clients for this subsidiary and they did the campaign for its networks. The title of this campaign was ‘gravity’ and one of these videos was directed by two of the most known directors in the industry, Jorge Soto and Charlie Valderrama. The commercial was in the form of a video, this makes it easy to capture the attention of the target audience. People are more likely to watch moving images than any other form of media (Art Directors Club, 2011). The content of the commercial is also limited as it only involves one character. This gives the commercial a sense of mystery as we try to understand how this central character will relate to their environment. In the commercial, the central character is seated and manages to defy gravity. The end result is that the character floats throughout the commercial. The context of this commercial is that everything is possible for the users of this network as the commercial ends with the name of the brand, Movistar. The directors used in this commercial have a history of coming up with such commercials. Their work usually involves very few characters and it is these that are used to convey the message about the product to the consumer. The intention of this commercial is to portray a scenario which is impossible to achieve, in this case, floating above the ground. This makes the viewers’ wonder how this is possible. At the end of this phase, the name of the brand appears on the screen. This creates a link between the brand and the floating character. It shows that the product has limitless capabilities and it can enable them to do a wide range of things that were previously not possible (Plunkett, 2008). All these things can be made possible due to the Movistar 4G networks.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter 9 - Essay Example The environment itself as the public sees it is what is around us. We see that we have a responsibility not to destroy it. It is where we live and what supports our life and all of the life around us. We also have a social responsibility but it is different in many ways. 2. Everywhere there is an abundance of the leftovers of business and our town is no exception. This includes wood, cans, paper, and plastic to name a few. There is smoke from smokestacks and pollution from vehicles getting there and transporting. There are many recycling efforts in play especially for cans, paper and plastic. Most of the companies that bring things in on pallets allow people to use the wood for projects and for burning if they wish so that helps. The air pollutions does not seem to be dealt with a lot though the water is being recycled as much as possible. 3. The issue of global warming is tremendously large. There are many things affecting it. Those countries that were not industrialized before are and the carbon products they are putting in the air are quite large. The rain forests that have filtered the air for generations are being removed for people to live there. There are more cars on the road in more countries than ever before. The ice sheets are melting, the permafrost is melting. It is a giant problem.

Clinical Trial Drugs Regulations and Manufacture Thesis

Clinical Trial Drugs Regulations and Manufacture - Thesis Example For instance if one treatment is effective in children, could if be equally as effective with adults. Trials confirm what treatments are being used safely and satisfactorily on individuals. There importance is limitless amongst the population of the medical world. For quite some time, clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry have been regulated by several government bodies. These regulations are set forth by entities like the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMEA or EMA), the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), to name a few. These entities weigh a heavy collateral on how pharmaceutical companies transition medicines from ideal to market with the use of clinical drug trials. The severity of the clinical trial drugs process has a significant donation to the well being of humanity, but faults in production of medications that will suffice in the treatme nt of those it was produced to treat. James Bryce once said; â€Å"Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence†. In short drug trials are performed to adhere to safety regulations that conform to human health strategies. According to the United States National Institutes of Health Service clinical trials are â€Å"considered to be biomedical or health-related research studies in human beings that follow a pre-defined protocol† (Understanding Clinical Trials, 2007). In order to associate the importance of these trials, it has to be first comprehended as to where they have evolved from. Traditionally, clinical drug trials can be associated with pharmaceutical medicine. ... The history of pharmaceutical medicine can be accredited sixteen distinct contributions as directly cited by the Drug Study Institute (Saponaro, 2011): 1. In 1906 the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed, partly due to Dr. Wiley's Poison Squad experiments. It forbade interstate and foreign commerce of adulterated and misbranded food and drugs. There were no safety or efficacy requirements. In 1902 Dr. Wiley started research with human volunteers to determine the effects of food preservatives on digestion and health. Overnight the press made the "Poison Squad" a national sensation. This law required new drugs be tested for safety before marketing, the results of which would be submitted to the FDA in an NDA or New Drug Application. The law also required that drugs met standards of strength and purity and had adequate labeling for safe use. 2. The Elixir Sulfanilamide tragedy in 1937 prompted Congress to pass the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938, which required pre-market review of sa fety in a New Drug Application (NDA) and specified labeling requirements. It also began marking study drugs with the phrase, â€Å"for investigational use.† It also gave the FDA the authority to inspect sponsor drug manufacturing plants and gave them more enforcement power. The requirement of proving effectiveness was still missing. 3. In 1948 the Nuremberg Code was written, the first formal statement on medical ethics. Nuremberg Code: In 1948, the Nuremberg Code laid down 10 standards for physicians to conform to when carrying out experiments on human participants. The Nuremberg Code was the result of judgment by an American military war crimes tribunal conducting proceedings against 23 Nazi physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research proposal - Essay Example With this virtue, the research proposal presented here shall provide a specific structure to the ultimate research work mentioning the aim and objectives to be amended in the final discussion of the research. It will also intend to suggest an appropriate research methodology, apparently highlighting the importance of the research topic and evaluating its future scope. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1. Introduction 4 1.1. Research Problem 4 1.2. Background 4 1.3. Research Aims and Objectives 6 2. Literature Review 8 3. Research Methodology 10 3.1. Types of Research 10 3.2. Research Approach 12 3.3. Data Collection Process 13 3.4. Data Analysis 14 3.5. Limitations of the Research Methodology 15 3.6. Recommendations 16 References 18 Bibliography 21 1. Introduction 1.1. Research Problem Research problem is referred to the area of interest identified in the research work. It is termed to be an important element for a research work as it provides a purpose to the research which again signifi es its ultimate objective. The research problem also provides certain specific research questions which in turn simplify the research process specifying the focal point of the research. 1.2. Background Sodexo is an international company which was set up in 1966 by Pierre Bellon. By its origin it is a service based company and renders its customers with a wide range of services. However, the company mainly focuses on its catering services to general public and fine dining customers as well. To be mentioned, the major objectives of Sodexo are attaining a sustainable growth of at least 7% per annum, reaching 6% operating margin, gaining the recognition as a global leader, developing the employee base and increasing its brand awareness and brand image at large (Sodexo, 2010). To encourage its virtues, Sodexo has also been recorded to be the first company to enter the contract of catering with the 2012 UK Events Industry Fair Pricing and Practice Charter. According to this contract, Sode xo Prestige, the catering group of the company is entitled to serve the chief customers in 2012 Olympic Games. This indeed is a great opportunity for the company to move ahead in accomplishing its optimum objectives (Sodexo, 2009). Therefore, the research problem which can be identified is to develop a well-designed uniform with key consideration to the aspect of the brand image of the company in representing 2012 Olympics and its employees’ perceptions. With this concern, the suggested research questions can be stated as follows, 1) What is the Brand Philosophy of Sodexo? 2) What are the Ethos and Values of the company? 3) What kind of uniform look would represent the company in the best possible way? Based on these research questions, certain significant research aims and objectives have been suggested in the following discussion. 1.3. Research Aims and Objectives Being an active participant of the service industries, fashion industry provides an utmost priority to the aspe ct of client satisfaction which enhances the possibility of client retention in future. Hence, it rewards the designer a long-term benefit. In this milieu, it shall be quite supportive to determine the research aim and its objectives focusing on the perception of both the primary and secondary customers (Dickerson, 2004). The primary aim of the research work shall be focused in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data Essay - 1

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data - Essay Example Additionally, the policies, contracts and standards illustrated in this policy affects the entire BIDMC staff, provisional staff, autonomous contractors, representatives, as well as additional IT clients, anywhere could be positioned across the corporation (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). In addition, one of very important features of the BIDMC security and privacy policy is to improve and optimally augment the overall working and operational security of the corporate confidential/ownership data and details. Additionally, this policy encompasses clear guidelines for proper establishment of information security management and privacy protection (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Afterward there are some improvised strategies for the overall protection and management of the prohibited activities at the workplace. Additionally, there is a proper code of ethics that needs to be followed for the better management of the privacy all through the organization (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2007). Moreover, the BIDMC’s security and privacy policy ensures the denial of big sized file sharing over the business network.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

HR Competencies - Part II Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Competencies - Part II - Assignment Example With this experience of mine, I confident that any organization that chooses to develop competencies through leading change for employees will be better placed to also gain the second competence of knowledge acquisition of the business. But whiles doing this, an addition insight I would like to add is that it will be very important that leaders will do so with the use of democratic leadership style which allows the employees to learn directly from the leaders rather than leaving everything out to the employees (Ulrich, 2009). I would rightly agree with you on the point that competencies help in adding to an HR professional’s ability to be a strategic partner. This is because quote (year) stressed that when employees develop competencies, they are put in a better position to contribute effectively to the larger organization. Such contribution takes place as there are modalities such as cross-functional teams and shared responsibility used in the organization. By implication, as soon as the HR professional with competencies begin to contribute effectively to the larger organization as a means of helping it achieve its goals, it can be said that the HR professional has become a strategic partner. This is because instead of being useful to a single department within the organization, the employee becomes utilized for the larger organization. Having said this, I will advise that HR managers must put in efforts that ensure that there is an accommodating atmosphere for the employees to be strategic partn ers. One such means will be to use cross-functional teams and shared

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Message to Garcia Essay Example for Free

A Message to Garcia Essay Written by, Elbert Hubbard, is a story written about trying to find the ideal messenger, or employee. And in many cases is hard to find even when it comes to a simple task, in this case, delivering a message. Hubbard goes on to explain that some individuals, when tasked with such a job will make it rather difficult. They will either ask questions, â€Å"who is Garcia? Where is he? Why can’t you do it? Have someone else do it.† Hubbard points out the most common flaws or unwanted qualities of employers when all he, or any employer are looking for is someone who is hard working and can be trusted with an important task regardless of what it is. And that is the type of worker that no employer can afford to lose. No matter when you are, regardless or your occupation, type of company or size, there will always be the workers that are replaceable, irreplaceable, or those who no one will hire. Hubbard explains the vast majority or employees that are in the work force. Lazy, irresponsible, untrustworthy, or are just plain worthless. However, the search for that one who will work hard even when no one is looking is rare to find, and that when he is found, he cannot be let go. After reading this book, it makes one realize, and actually look at whom they work with now, or in the past and see whom or how many actually fall into the category or workers Hubbard described. I for one was able to actually put faces with some of the examples given. More important than that, was looking at where I fit in, or which one describes me the best. Hardworking and the one that is rare and every employer is looking for, sure we would all like to think that but the reality of it, may not be as close as we would like to think. When tasked with delivering a message to Garcia, I would think it be natural for one to ask, â€Å"where is he†, such information is key. Rather than blindly searching for a man named Garcia with out so much of a direction. Does a question make one any less of their overall work ethic? I would think not, but when it comes to questioning the motives and  what is in the letter is completely different. Irreverent questions to the task at hand are unnecessary and would be seen as lazy or nosy. Overall it was an interesting book that makes you think other wise of not only yourself, but also those you work with all well. I would recommend any employer to have their employees read this book for they start working. That way it gives them something to think about, think about themselves and which type of employee they truly want to be. Also gives them an idea of what that employer is looking for in their workers, that way there is no question about what is expected. â€Å"He is wanted in every city, town and village- in every office, shop and factory. The world cries out for such: he is needed, needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia.†

Friday, September 20, 2019

Leadership Public Health

Leadership Public Health QUALITIES OF A GOOD PUBLIC HEALTH LEADER Definition of leadership What is leadership in public health Difference between Management and leadership Discuss issues/trends related to Healthcare that make Leadership in public health significant (to address and keep up with the trends in healthcare) Governments role Digital divide in the system (ex. Electronic health records) Political social functions Budget (optional)- but since we covered this topic this past week- discretionary budget process covers the public health costs, which is very minimal Qualities of what makes a leader Conclusion PUBLIC HEALTH LEADER QUALITIES OF A GOOD PUBLIC HEALTH LEADER Abstract Leadership skills are different from management skills. While the two are equally important for the success of public health organization, they are different in terms of roles and abilities. Managers are placed in power, whereas leaders are given power by their followers. Leaders also inspire their followers as well the local and national community he/she serves. Recent events have caused public health leaders to take on new roles. CONTINUE†¦ The topic of leadership is one that has been studied and researched for years. Professionals and managers desire it and companies and organizations seek it from their employees. The coveted skill is wanted by all, but possessed by few. What is considered a good leader, or a great leader, is even harder to come by. And the field of public health—a field that changes constantly and evolves quicker than health officials can keep up with—demands great leadership. A good public health leader is defined in many ways and by many skills. It can be argued that any manager can be leader, but the literature and research prove otherwise. There are certain skill-sets that set a good leader apart from the manager. Being knowledgeable in several areas relating public health and management is integral for the success of the public health leader and the organization he/she serves. Equally important are having the personal qualities expected of a leader and being perceived as a leader by the supporting staff. Combining these attributes along with management skills ensures that a leader is prepared for and ahead of the public health curve. Management versus Leadership Being a great leader is demanding, but even more so, is being a good public health leader. Public health is different from other fields because the work itself is always evolving. The target audience, the methods, and the promotional plans are always changing. Managing these tasks is not enough, especially when dealing with an audience that often does not want the information. Work can become redundant and employees and quickly lose interest, stamina, and sense of purpose. This is where a great leader can emerge. One of the key differences in leadership and management is the ability to inspire. Almost anyone can manage or run a task if proper instruction is received. Everything from distributing the work, creating work plans, and managing the budget can be done by a manager. But leaders can inspire people and create a single vision. When staff is truly motivated, the end result is a much better product that involved a united team (Cooper, 1990). In fact, if given a choice, people â€Å"would rather follow a leader than a manager† (McLean, 2005). This notes a clear distinction in favor of the leader, as noted by staff. Ideally, a manager can be a great leader, and some may argue that leadership is one of the roles played by a manager. However, McLean makes another distinction in the leader, suggesting that the leader â€Å"is conferred power from followers that allow him/her to influence their actions† (2005). This means that the leader is given power by those following him, versus the manager who is appointed to the manager role. This power comes with the ability to influence followers and have an effect on their outcome(Peter, 2001). While there are clear differences between management and leadership, it is impossible to say that a successful organization could still exist without the two of them working simultaneously. After all, the above assumes that a great leader can be a great manager. However, great leadership does not come automatically with great management skills. Each role requires a different skill set. Managers are essential to a public health organization for their attention to detail and ability to follow orders and complete tasks in a timely and efficient manner. Leaders are then essential for the motivation and inspiration of supporting staff. As McLeans wraps it up, â€Å"both are essential and both have their place they just have different emphases† (2005). Definition of a Public Health Leader Other than the ability to inspire, the leader is defined by several other abilities. The leader is also influential, and has the ability to attract followers and have them transmit their goal and vision to new potential followers. This is especially important when working with large public health firms and organizations. It is nearly impossible for the leader to individually reach every single person and inspire them directly. Leaders thus depend on followers to inspire others as well. This is where the next definition of a leader is introduced; the ability to be a great mentor as well. Mentoring is a great way to mold someone and teach them the importance of leadership in public health. Novick et al. describe leadership mentoring as â€Å"experience, by the work of insight, by personal growth, and by learning from mentors† (2008, pg. 292). While some may argue that great leaders are born, many great leaders can emerge from the situation they are presented. Gaining experience and learning by following a leaders example are a great way in which new leaders can emerge and benefit by seeing a good leader act before it is their turn to. Thus leadership also involves the skill of making leaders out of others. The public health field also demands that its leaders be influential outside of the organization it immediately serves. One of the most important tasks in public health is the ability to influence your local community and national niche organizations that share similar goals and objectives. This means that a leader in public health must possess the competency of building and keeping ongoing relationships with community organizations (Saleh et al. 2004, pg. 1247). Forming successful partnerships helps an organization reach its goal faster and more efficiently. For this reason, it is imperative that the public health leader be in tune with the goals of its organization in order to partner with the right organizations. At the same time, public health leaders need to be aware of the larger picture. Public health is so grand and it becomes impossible for a leader to be great in every aspect of the field. According to the American Public Health Association, being aware of the larger picture is recognizing ones role in public health, or rather taking â€Å"ownership of ones particular job and having the creativity to do it (2000, pg. 11). This also involves setting appropriate priorities based on the current needs of the organizations. This involves looking at the larger picture, assessing which goals are most important to the future of the organization, and setting priorities to accomplish these goals. Leadership also requires the ability to react to new sudden needs of the public health organization. Clear examples of these are the events of September 11, 2001. These events left public health officials dumbfounded. Almost immediately, officials became aware of how little they were prepared for such a disaster. Leaders were forced to think and react quickly, and soon after there was a surge of new educational opportunities related to emergency preparedness. The same leaders learned to be â€Å"more effective in responding to ever-changing public health challenges† (Saleh et al. 2004, pg. 1246). The role of an effective leader is clearly not easy. While a leader mains role is to inspire a vision and work in others, leaders must also possess a variety or related skills. Therefore, the definition of a public health leader includes the ability to mentor and produce new effective leaders and serve as a leader in both the local and national communities with a same vision. Leaders must also be able to see the grand picture and set timely and relevant priorities, as well as think and react to sudden public health needs( Donald, 1991). Current Trends in Public Health Leadership Using the example of September 11, 2001, it became obvious to officials that there were clear gaps in the system and that current leaders did not all possess the adequate skills for such a disaster. Programs emerged to educate public health leaders about bioterrorism, crises response, and disaster management (Burrell, 2007, pg. 62). These subjects fall outside of the comfort zone for many public health leaders, since much of public health falls within the field of heath, nutrition, environmental health, physical and emotional well-being, and disease prevention. The goal of these programs is to provide formal training in areas that are critical. In fact, several accredited universities have made this effort easier by providing programs relating to homeland security, terrorism, emergency preparedness and related disciplines. Burrell states that such programs help address the â€Å"threats [that] have created a need for all public managers to expand their knowledge and develop new skills† (2007, pg. 63). Several universities, particularly those in the DC area, are now making it easier for public health leaders to receive training in these areas. Qualities of what makes a leader Competence By carrying out preventive medicine and communicable disease control, occupational health, food safety, and disaster response programs a good public health leader exercises a sense of responsibility. This is a good attribute of a public health leader who is able to relate well to the ground in respect to the above issues. By carrying out all the assigned duties and disseminating to the relevant staff within a public officer fulfill all the doubtful acts that responsibility is not being undertaken. The work of a public health leader ranges from various areas and in order to fulfill the required fields he or she had to assign various duties to his colleges. Without a good sense of responsibility, effective work performance will not be put in place which might end up putting the public at risk since poor service deliver y will be delivered .therefore a good public health leader should be one who is able to exercise effective responsibility in a senses that they are able to be judged acc ording to how dissemination of what has been assigned to the m has occurred. A well established focused and self defined health leader should be able to establishes and maintain contact with medical treatment facility and local public health agencies to ensure an integrated public health program flows between all the sectors. The medical sector .without a continuous flow of events service delivery will be impossible which requires that a public health officer should resolve to having good communication skill that enable effective passage of information from one section to another. Courageous As a public health leader, one must emulate courage in order to be decisive person. A good public health leader ought not to be afraid of failure since without this, he or she will not be able to function as a leader. One should have the courage to maintain their convictions or go with a gut instinct. A good public health leader should always admit that a mistake has been committed without hesitation showing how brave one is in the tackling of the environment. Skillful This attribute will be able to ensure that a public health leader lays down corrective mechanism that are able to ascertain aspect which show that he or she is capable of undertaken the task in hand. This will involve showing of skill knowledge and the aptitude by the leader. A well focused skilled leader in the public health sector carries out all the necessary task making his or her colleges follow due to extra ordinary character that he or she will display in managing a given scenario. The matters that concern health are the most complex tasks that a leader might handle since this are real life situation that unless taken seriously into consideration, loss of life might occur. Therefore the leader should be able to tackle the hardest thing that surrounds the immediate environment since he or she has the necessary skill available. The skills can range from practical, mental and technical skills. A good public health leader should emulate good advisory skill which bears in mind on h ow advises will be given out on military public health issues, manning, and training. This is a fundamental aspect that requires great attention. Advising on critical issues requires that one has good counseling skill that enable him or her put into practice what is needed. Influential In the sense that even when carrying out various developments he or she will be able to initiates, nonstop and conduct preventive medicine and communicable disease control programs .being influential requires that one will be able to disseminate all that is required to all the colleges therefore boosting the morale of what is being done. Patience gives clear characteristics of a public health officer who will, be able to clarify all that is needed before acting upon them. For example when the employees are unable to clearly clarify or understand what is being talked about, the public health leader ought to verify it in details and make sure that all the tasks assigned to the are done according to the intended purposes. A good public health leader should embrace loyalty in that he or she should be able to perform mutually to the colleges what seems desirable by all since unless this is emulated ,the same will be fall him making progression in this sector top reduce by a large margin ( Swayne E. 2001). Flexible Having such attributes a public health leader will be able to change from one aspect to the other successfully ensuring that effective measures are put in place to minimize lost efforts. With these qualities a public health leader will be able to adapt to the immediate environment when fluctuations arise .this in reality entails a leader who has the intellectual capabilities of focusing on the prediction of what is to occur. Take an example where an outbreak of a specific epidemic occurs, flexibility of this situation will be determined by the leader. Being resilient will enable the leader to ensure that failure is an opportunity to expand to the real life scenario without fearing what might succumb to them but tackling it with ease with resilience, public health leaders should consider every failure as a step closer to the realization of their dreams. A leader has to lay down good examples to others, taking a role model position .All the people working around and staff members would like to emulate what they see that is positive and that doing this is the person in charge of their affairs. Public health officers should bear this quality such that what is perceived by them to be a right perspective still remains to be so by the other team players. By being a role model the public health officer embraces a sense of confidence which also is gained by the other team players and with this service delivery in highly enhanced. Tackling some issue in the public health sector requires great confidence in the interest of the public sefty.Take a case where gaseous poisonous substances have spilled in the air, the public health sector will have to make appropriate action in the determination of the root cause of this phenomena. To an ordinary person without skills, training and confidence, doing this task will be a great risk to life, however if one is trained, the confidence usually inspired by the trainer who in this case is the leader of the public health sector keeps them going. Conclusion A good public health leader should instigate buoyancy in others and be persistent in a crisis. Though this sector is a tough one to tackle leaders her should embrace one another and come together to solve the relevant problems that exist within the locality. Good listening skill should be developed since communication is a two way traffic, therefore leaders should try as much as possible to be good listeners. In the course of coming up with new ways and means of communicating a smooth flow of events will prevail therefore saving on other irrelevant costs that might occur. Management and leadership should go hand in hand in that though leaders are people are followed by other people through their own choice and managers have to be obeyed; these two disparities have to be merged in order to come up with a formidable action plane that will be able to facilitate smooth flow of events The public health leader has to have the capacity of embracing new talent and nature it. Sincerity and re liability are particularly significant for any good leader embracing realistic goals. By setting goals a good public health leader will be setting avenues that lead to the attainment of the goals. This targets when attained should be credible to the participants who took part in the achieving of results unlike praising the leader. The public health sector being the toughest areas to tackle should be reformed such that there is always the division of labor. This will enhance inventions and innovations which will give out the definition of development through the total commitment and support from the whole team. References Cooper, T. (1990). The Responsible Administrator. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Donald, S (1991). â€Å"Innovative Organizations Require Innovative Managers.† Public Administration Review. 41:5, 507-513. Peter, N. (2001). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage. Swayne E. (2001). Leadership and Management, Public Health: Cases and Context, by Sage Publications

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Bullying Crisis in America Essay -- School Bullying Essays

Schools do not talk about it, parents do not know how to stop it from happening, but so many suffer from it, bullying. Bullying has become the biggest growing issue in the world. So many people go through the day in silence while struggling to not let bullying affect them, but it does. Bullying happens in so many different ways, but no one ever talks about it. Everyday 160,000 people suffer from being bullied at school and half of those people will try to commit suicide because of it (Karmazin). Imagine yourself walking on campus, and all of a sudden another student starts calling you names. This is what so many students fear every day. One in every four students is a victim of some kind of bullying. Why does this happen? Bullying has become the fastest growing problem in schools today. Bullying can take many forms, and students that are victims of bullying are affected in different ways, and suicide is often the greatest effect that is happening. Bullying has reached the epidemic l evel in schools; however, realizing the psychological effects cause by bullying, and suicide has become a growing result of it, and in everyday life across all the oceans of the world; it is time to take preventative measures to reduce and stop bullying from happening needs to be taken. When a person thinks of bullying happening in schools, they in vision on thing; a big, mean boy picking out a younger, smaller student and saying, â€Å"Give me all your money nerd!† at that point the bully picking up the victim and flipping them upside down to make the money come out of the pockets. When the actuality is bullying is not always that plainly shown. Bullying does not necessarily have to physical violence in order for a situation to be considered bullying. Tee... ...ersonal interview. 23 Oct. 2013. Karmazin, Karen S. â€Å"Facts about Bullying for High School Students.† Home. University at Buffalo, n.d.. Web. 24 Oct. 2013 Kelley, Hall Megan, and Carrie Jones. Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories. New York, NY: HarperTeen, 2011. Print. Sandavol, Jesse. Personal interview. 23 Oct. 2013. Sutton, Jon. "Book Review: Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Interventions for Bullying and Victimization. Richard J. Hazler. Taylor & Francis, London, 1996. No. of Pages: 222(Paperback). ISBN 1-56032-509-7." Early Development and Parenting 6.2 (1997): 93. Print. United States. California Department of Education. - School Environment (CA Dept of Education). N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. Yerger, William, and Cliff Gehret. "Understanding and Dealing With Bullying in Schools."The Educational Forum 75.4 (2011): 315-26. ERIC. Web. 3 Nov. 2013.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Fairy-tale of If on a winters night a traveler Essay -- If on a w

The Fairy-tale of If on a winter's night a traveler  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In the past, fairy-tales have been a major form of writing for the great minds of the imaginative authors of the world. In search of cultural roots, much of Europe focused on its folktale and fairy-tales. However, Early Modern and Contemporary Italy took its tales and changed, manipulated, and combined them, having dissimilar concerns as the other societies of Europe. Influenced by his nation's overall approach to its heritage, Italo Calvino, in his novel If on a winter's night a traveler, is blatantly provided with a fundamental structure, plot, and theme through his use of the fairy-tale. "You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade." (Calvino 3). Calvino's opening sentences, even the first couple pages, exemplify what the reader would be told by a storyteller, as a young child would hear, cuddling within his or her warm, blanket-covered utopia, while mother's contiguous body not only provides comfort and security, but a fairy-tale incipit; the child's ear drums focus in on a lulling frequency incessantly flowing from the mother's fatigued mouth. The didactic beginning of this novel is a mechanism Calvino utilizes to ensure the reader that a fantastic, adventurous story is about to begin. The "Once upon a time" cliche that has dominated the first sentence of fairy-tales in the past is replaced with "So, then, you..." where the actual plot then begins (Calvino 4). The Reader takes the first steps on his quest for a final, complete text. Within those few initial steps, he begins his double quest for his princess, the female reader, ... ...iry-tales are. "Calvino's collection stands with the best folktale collections anywhere." (Guton 91). Many attributes of the novel If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino bare a striking resemblance to the fairy-tale. The structure, plot, themes, and even characterization of the novel exemplify its similarities to a tale. Regardless of how the book is critically approached, the fact that Calvino, influenced by his national culture, wrote the novel as a fantastic tale will always remain firmly planted in his readers' view. Works Citied Calvino, Italo. If on a winter's night a traveler. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1981. Guton, Sharon and Sline, Jean. Contemporary Literary Criticism.Volume 22. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982. Votteler, Thomas. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Volume 73. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1993. The Fairy-tale of If on a winter's night a traveler Essay -- If on a w The Fairy-tale of If on a winter's night a traveler  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In the past, fairy-tales have been a major form of writing for the great minds of the imaginative authors of the world. In search of cultural roots, much of Europe focused on its folktale and fairy-tales. However, Early Modern and Contemporary Italy took its tales and changed, manipulated, and combined them, having dissimilar concerns as the other societies of Europe. Influenced by his nation's overall approach to its heritage, Italo Calvino, in his novel If on a winter's night a traveler, is blatantly provided with a fundamental structure, plot, and theme through his use of the fairy-tale. "You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveler. Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade." (Calvino 3). Calvino's opening sentences, even the first couple pages, exemplify what the reader would be told by a storyteller, as a young child would hear, cuddling within his or her warm, blanket-covered utopia, while mother's contiguous body not only provides comfort and security, but a fairy-tale incipit; the child's ear drums focus in on a lulling frequency incessantly flowing from the mother's fatigued mouth. The didactic beginning of this novel is a mechanism Calvino utilizes to ensure the reader that a fantastic, adventurous story is about to begin. The "Once upon a time" cliche that has dominated the first sentence of fairy-tales in the past is replaced with "So, then, you..." where the actual plot then begins (Calvino 4). The Reader takes the first steps on his quest for a final, complete text. Within those few initial steps, he begins his double quest for his princess, the female reader, ... ...iry-tales are. "Calvino's collection stands with the best folktale collections anywhere." (Guton 91). Many attributes of the novel If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino bare a striking resemblance to the fairy-tale. The structure, plot, themes, and even characterization of the novel exemplify its similarities to a tale. Regardless of how the book is critically approached, the fact that Calvino, influenced by his national culture, wrote the novel as a fantastic tale will always remain firmly planted in his readers' view. Works Citied Calvino, Italo. If on a winter's night a traveler. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1981. Guton, Sharon and Sline, Jean. Contemporary Literary Criticism.Volume 22. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982. Votteler, Thomas. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Volume 73. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1993.

Gays and Homosexuality: Personal Choice or Act of God? Essay -- Explor

Homosexuality: Personal Choice or Act of God? "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, not thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) Homosexuality has been around as long for as there is recorded history. Through the years, however, the opinions towards homosexuality have changed. Now, homosexuality is being labeled as a genetic trait rather than as a psychological problem. Not everyone believes this to be true, however. I have always believed that homosexuality is genetic and I decided to search the web for some evidence. I first checked out a site written by a supporter of the "gay gene." is written by Don Robertson. Don Robertson is a gay teacher of biochemistry and molecular biology. In his article, he states that many experiments have proved the genetic connection to homosexuality. He names some of the experiment's methods but he doesn't include who ran the experiments, where they were done, why or why not they would be reliable or whether they would have the same results if the experiments were repeated. He comes up with figures like if one identical twin is gay there is a sixty- percent chance that the other identical twins will also be gay. This is included to prove that since identical twins share identical genes, they must have had the "gay gene" passed down to both of them. This claim brings up a few problems. First, there is nowhere in the article that cites where this information was collected or if the informat... ...all the aspects of the experiments while Robertson didn't question anything he read about; the author from the second article questioned them based on outdated beliefs. Altogether, I didn't feel that I was convinced on either side. Were there any more experiments? Were any of the ones listed proven to be true? Are there any alternatives to the cause of homosexuality other than genetics and environment? Is religion the true way to look at the matter? "That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary nature and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error." (Romans 1:26-27)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Christina Rossetti Essay

†¢ Christina Rossetti was the youngest of four children †¢ Mother- Gabriele Rossetti, an Italian patriot who came to London in 1824. †¢ She had one sister, Maria, and two brothers, Dante Gabriel and William. †¢ Brought up as devout Anglo-Catholics. Christina’s elder sister Maria eventually became an Anglican nun. †¢ In 1848 she became engaged to James Collinson, a member of her brother’s Pre-Raphaelite circle. (broke it off when he became a Roman Catholic. †¢ Next she fell in love with Charles Cayley ( she broke it off because of religious differences. †¢ Her brother William said: â€Å"She enquired into his creed and found he was not a Christian.† Rossetti’s definition of Christianity was narrower and more evangelical than most people’s. †¢ Like many unmarried middle-class women of that period, Rossetti did not have any paid employment, except for about a year when she and her mother tried to run a day school after failing health and eyesight forced her father to retire in 1853. †¢ Christina Rossetti’s family was very important to her. Although she loved two different men, and it is clear from her poetry that she could express feelings of love and the heartbreak of losing love, she never married or broke away from home. Her brothers and sister were central to her emotions and she was deeply upset by Dante Gabriel’s nervous breakdown in 1872. †¢ He died in 1882; she lived as a recluse at home, concentrating on her religious life. †¢ After a period of ill health Christina Rossetti died of cancer on 29 December 1894. Her Poetry †¢ Poetry inspired by her religion. †¢ Many poems, such as When I am Dead, My Dearest, Remember and Up-Hill, are concerned with the nearness of death and the renunciation of earthly love. †¢ Her love of God is passionately expressed in Long Barren, and her poem In the Bleak Mid- Winter is well known as a Christmas carol. †¢ Also a poet who demonstrates in her work, a love of nature. Another Spring and Spring Quiet show an exactness of observation which her Pre-Raphaelite brothers would have undoubtedly appreciated. †¢ Her poem A Birthday is a rapturous expression of delight in love. †¢ She also shows a malicious appreciation of sisterly jealousies in her poem Two Noble Sisters. †¢ Among her works is Sing-Song, A Nursery Rhyme Book, published in 1872, which contains lyrics for young children. †¢ Many people consider that her best work is Goblin Market (1862), the longest of her poems. Because goblins sound as if they belong in a fairy story, it is often put in collections for young children. However, it is really a short epic poem for adults. †¢ The most obvious quality of the writing is the exactness and sensuousness of her descriptions of the fruit sold by the goblins. Comparisons to Other poets †¢ The nearest comparison in English poetry to this must be the description of the feast in Keats’ The Eve of St Agnes. The most striking thing about the subject matter is its eeriness. †¢ Some people have seen this poem as an allegory, in which the fruits offered by the goblins stand for the pleasures of the world, though according to Christina’s brother William she denied that it was anything more than ‘a fairy story’. †¢ However, many modern readers may make a connection with the temptations and effects of narcotic drugs. †¢ This may not be a connection that Rossetti intended, but the description of Laura yielding to temptation and her subsequent illness would have been familiar to such families as the Brontà «s, whose brother Branwell died of an addiction to drink and drugs, and to Coleridge, who suffered from a lifelong addiction to opium.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Teen Pregnancy Analysis

Teen pregnancy has become an increasing problem over the years. Parents, teachers and teens alike all fear for the same thing, teen pregnancy. In several studies the question always remain the same what is the cause of teen pregnancy other than the obvious answer, why is this continuing to increase over the years. Parents always feel that they were not strict enough. Teachers feel that the teens are either rebellious or that they did something wrong with their teaching. Teens feel all sorts of things that adults do not always understand. The studies that will be discussed are focused on teens and what they feel the problem is that causes teens to become young mothers. The research process with the articles that I have chosen is surveying teens to find out the source of the problem. In these articles the goal is to find out the point of view of the teens and to come up with a solution to rising problem of teen pregnancy. The literature was reviewed by several peers and doctors to come up with the opinions and solutions that were revised in the article. In this week’s reading of our text, it was discussed the importance of valid results, and not being biased to one side or another. It was discussed that results can differ from group to group of participants so making sure that the results are valid is important. Also, it is important to make sure that the sources are reliable as well. It would be wrong to ask parents only why they feel teen pregnancy is increasing so much being that teens are the ones involved in these studies. The ethical considerations for data collection is not to violate the teens right to have their voices heard with out having to fear what their parents will know about their sex life. An article in the Apollo library titled â€Å"Rural teen pregnancy reflections who will Listen? † discusses a study that was done on teens with surveying the teens in many different schools to find where this problem stems from. It is determined that most teens feel that they have a lack of information on teen pregnancy and sexual awareness, until hitting high school, which in many cases is too late to receive this information. A series of questions were asked in survey form, teens felt they were receiving information too late and they were self educated themselves long before they learned it from school, or their parents. With media being as violent, and sexual content today that we did not have twenty years ago, kids are curious about sex at younger ages, some even in elementary school. The data that was collected was taken straight from the affected age and targeted different reasons that effect teen pregnancy. They asked a question that was thought to be the reason and asked open ended questions as well meaning questions that do not have a yes or no answer but ones where the teens were forced to give their opinions. In this study the teen’s names were not given, the goal was not to know who the teens were, but to know what can be done to make the awareness of this problem known to teens and their parents. Another study that was performed in this article was on teen a parent who shows that many teen parents do not finish high school and live their adult lives in poverty. Teens who have troubled homes are more likely to become teen parents looking for that security that they have lacked at home, building their own family will give them the love they desire in their mind but they are likely to neglect and or abuse their child or children not intentionally but just out of lack of knowing how to care for their child, when they are still children themselves. Another result of this study reviewed that most teen parents do not marry the father or mother of the baby and the ones that do end in divorce in most cases. Many teen parents will be single parents within the first two years of the child’s life. The end result also proves that teens will have higher risk pregnancies and premature, under nourished babies will be born for lack of knowledge of how to take care of a baby in the womb. Another result of this is because the teen mother’s body was not ready for the change of having a baby. Many health problems in the child and mother’s life results from this as well such as possible asthma in the baby and osteoporosis at an early age for the mother. There are many reasons found in these studies over a few weeks time that teens did not realize to be an issue. From the teens point of view the main issue that was found was that they are not aware of precautions from teen pregnancies and resources that are available to them such as free birth control from the local health department and teen counseling services to encourage practicing safe sex and abstinence as well as lack of information on how pregnancies happen. It has been proven from these studies that these discussion need to occur in middle school or even elementary school. This study showed more statistics that have been proven throughout the years. The end result also proves that teens will have higher risk pregnancies and premature, under nourished babies will be born for lack of knowledge of how to take care of a baby in the womb. Another result of this is because the teen mother’s body was not in the child and mother’s life results from this as well such as possible asthma in the baby and osteoporosis at an early age for the mother. In both studies, the results were determined by questionnaires to teens and teen mothers to determine what the cause of teen pregnancy in their mind was. There have always been theories that teens don’t care about using protection, or that they want to be pregnant but these studies have confirmed that this is not always the case. This case study was a hard one to do at first because teens do not want their friends to pick on them in school for their answers or that they participated so once the barrier was broken there, the case study could be done effectively. The end result was successful because it gave teachers, parents, doctors and teens the tools they needed to change this. The hope is that over the next few years teen pregnancy will decrease dramatically. These health problems are caused because the teen mothers’ body is not fully developed so their body is not ready to bear the weight a pregnant women must bear. In conclusion, the data showed to be effective in both forms of research in both articles. The first article took the approach of survey research for the targeted group which is teens to find a cause of the problem which seems to be a lack of communication between teens and adults, and also a lack of information soon enough for teens. In the other article medical research was done to prove that teen mothers are more likely to develop bone problems earlier in life as their bones were not ready for the pressure a pregnancy causes. Another source that was used in this analysis was the census of teen mothers that drop out of high school and live in poverty trying to upport their children. This trend seems to pass down the genetic line as these homes become problem homes as well and the teens just want love they lacked growing up. Therapy has proven to change this trend as the children of teen mothers need to know how to cope with living in poverty, feeling rejection from their fathers or mothers, and dealing with not seeing their parent as often as their peers as most teen par ents work at least two jobs to provide for their children and still remain in poverty. These problems are being addressed and teen pregnancy is estimated to decrease as more and more resources are becoming available to target teens and warn them of what it really is like being a teen parent. I feel that both of these articles give ample information to effectively make decisions on the studies because there are several teens involved as well as medical studies to support the analysis that was determined. References: Rural teen pregnancy reflections Who will Listen?(2013) retrieved from http://apololibrary .com Teen pregnancy associated with future osteoporosis (2012) retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Search Engine Data Collection

Search Engine Data Collection Citizens’ personal information has always been actively sought by government authorities and by private businesses, and up until recently, has been kept exclusively by the institutions requesting the information. However, those days of confidentiality are over, as the world becomes increasingly structured upon the evolution of the Internet.Today, government authorities and private businesses have a multitude of ways to access personal information that is submitted through the World Wide Web, one of these methods being the surveillance and tracking of search requests through online search engines such as Google (Search Engine Privacy). The collection of personally identifiable data by search engines threatens consumer privacy and violates the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which guarantees â€Å"the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures† (Electro nic Privacy).As the privacy rights of citizens are increasingly being compromised, governments need to implement stricter electronic privacy laws regarding search engine data collection to protect citizens from a world of blurred boundaries. The evolution of the World Wide Web has proved to be advantageous for private businesses that have prospered from the wealth of information that is granted to them through search engines. Search engine data analysis provides companies with crucial knowledge about their consumers, allowing businesses to maximize their profits by catering to their consumers’ needs and desires.An example of this is the analysis of search request trends to predict when prom dresses would sell best. One would assume that with most school proms taking place in May that March through April would be the ideal time to display prom dress content online; however, search engine data research concludes that the month with the most searches for â€Å"prom dress† is January. Companies can then take this information and capitalize by making wise choices in terms of timing (Tancer 59-68).Using consumers’ search request information to predict trends to maximize profits is a relatively benign example of how data entered into search engines can be used. Search requests contain highly personal information about consumers, such as their medical issues, religious background, political partiality, and sexual orientation, opening the door to behavioral marketing (Search Engine Privacy). By collecting information about consumer interests and habits, companies essentially have a portal into the minds of their target market, which they can use and abuse at their discretion.Another threat that search engine data collection poses to citizens is the risk of leaked – whether intentional or accidental – personal information. Although data collection companies claim that they screen their clients thoroughly before providing them with info rmation, critics say that the industry's screening process is negligent (Electronic Privacy). In May 1996, for example, a television reporter based in California requested the personal information of 5,000 children from Metromail Corp. , using the name of Richard Allen Davis, a well-known convicted child murderer in the state.The company released a list of more than 5,000 children's names, ages, addresses and phone numbers to this undercover reporter at the cost of $277 (Electronic Privacy). This incident exemplifies the potential dangers of releasing information to third parties and the risks of not employing a thorough screening practice in the process. Another incident of leaked information involves a 62-year-old widow, Thelma Arnold, who, along with 657,000 others, had her personal search inquiries leaked by AOL.AOL had intended the release of this information to benefit academic researchers and assigned numbers in place of names to protect the anonymity of users; however, they did not consider how easy it was to determine the identities of these users through simple investigation. As a result of this lapse in foresight by AOL detailed records of the personal search inquiries of Thelma Arnold and 657,000 other Americans are still circulating online today (Barbaro and Zeller Jr. ). Although search engine data collection has its risks, supporters argue that these companies offer a service that ultimately benefits the consumer (Electronic Privacy).Solveig Singleton, director of information studies at the Cato Institute, says that if â€Å"’privacy alarmists’ succeed in achieving regulation of the industry, consumers will ultimately be harmed†. Singleton believes that â€Å"consumers benefit by sharing information about themselves because businesses can then design and market new products that are tailored to consumers' needs† (Electronic Privacy). Examining the viewpoints of both critics and supporters of data collecting companies, the essential question that needs to be considered is whether or not the development of new products for a arget audience is worth risking the privacy and safety of consumers. Despite the fact that many citizens have voiced their concerns over electronic privacy matters, the government has still been reluctant to interfere with the information industry, fearing that regulation could hinder an industry that is growing exponentially and contributing to the U. S. economy. To ensure that this industry’s economic potential is fully realized, government officials are prepared to adopt a â€Å"laissez-faire† approach to Internet business (Electronic Privacy).As the use of the Internet becomes more and more pertinent to the daily lives of citizens, the concept of privacy is being challenged. Although the government is aware that it should be seeking ways to protect its citizens, it fears at the same time that enforcing stricter online privacy rights will stunt the growth of p rivate businesses that thrive off consumers’ personal information. Ultimately, the issue of search engine privacy is a struggle to find harmony between two opposing entities: the protection of privacy rights of citizens and the growth of the information industry and private businesses.Unfortunately, at the moment, it is the privacy rights of citizens that are being compromised in this relationship. The government needs to create and strictly enforce specific laws pertaining to search engine data collection to deter today’s world from heading into a world like that in George Orwell’s 1984, a world in which â€Å"telescreens† monitor every citizen’s every move – a world with which our current online world shares frightening similarities.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Succubus Heat CHAPTER 6

It was dark by now, so I headed straight for my car and drove over to the vampires' apartment in Capitol Hill. Well, technically it was Peter's apartment. Cody was his apprentice and lived there by Peter's good graces, so long as he adhered to Peter's neurotic cleaning standards. â€Å"Georgina,† said Cody happily, opening the door for me. The lingering yellow bruise of a black eye showed on his face. â€Å"Wow,† I said, shocked enough by his appearance to let go of the Seth-rage that had consumed me the whole drive over. â€Å"It's true. You really did get in a fight.† â€Å"Oh, yeah,† he said cheerfully. â€Å"It was great. Totally West Side Story .† I stepped inside and glanced around. â€Å"You also finally changed the carpet.† They used to have velvety plush carpet stretching throughout the living room in ivory. This new stuff was a blue-gray Berber. Peter stepped out from the kitchen and arched an eyebrow at me. I could smell pork chops and rosemary cooking. â€Å"Yeah, well, after three months of trying to scrub off that wine you spilled, I finally gave up.† â€Å"That was an accident,† I reminded him. â€Å"Kind of.† My final showdown with Niphon had involved me punching him and throwing him around. Peter's china cabinet and a full wineglass had been the casualties. I looked away from the corner where our fight had taken place. My heart had been raw and bleeding that day, fresh from the break-up with Seth. â€Å"This is Scotchgarded,† continued Peter. There was a challenge in his voice, like he was daring me to spill something on it now. I settled myself on the couch, in the same way they often made themselves comfortable at my place without asking. I started to take out my cigarettes, but one look from Peter made me put them away with a sigh. Sometimes he allowed smoking but apparently not around new carpet. â€Å"So what happened last night?† I asked. â€Å"Maude, Lenny, and Paul came hunting in the city,† explained Peter. There was an uncharacteristic anger in his eyes, rivaled only by the time he'd found out the color he'd used to paint his kitchen had been discontinued. â€Å"And then Elsa went over to the eastside, which pissed off Aidan.† I wasn't up to date on all the vampires in Washington, but I recognized most of the names and knew their territories-they were from far-out areas like Spokane and Yakima. Seattle would be a huge step up for them-except for the fact that Peter and Cody already controlled most of the city limits. My friends were laconic and mild most of the time, but I suspected I would have seen a whole other side to them last night when they discovered others in their hunting grounds. â€Å"Three in your turf,† I mused. â€Å"I bet that was fun.† â€Å"Oh yeah,† said Cody, face still aglow. â€Å"They're not going to come trolling around here anymore. We kicked their asses like you wouldn't believe. It was awesome.† I couldn't help a smile. â€Å"Your first fight?† He nodded, and I glanced at Peter. â€Å"No marks on you.† Peter looked offended. â€Å"Of course not. Do I look like an amateur?† â€Å"Hey!† said Cody. â€Å"What are you saying about me?† Peter shrugged and returned to the kitchen, saying, â€Å"Just telling it like it is. I've been around a lot longer than you. Been in a lot more fights than you too. And I wasn't the one who got a black eye last night.† Cody looked like he might start a fight then and there, so I hastily asked, â€Å"And nobody knows how the mistake was made?† â€Å"I heard it was Cedric,† called Peter. â€Å"And that you've been cozying up with him.† â€Å"Hardly. I just met him yesterday.† Cody was apparently out of the loop. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Georgina was sent to Canadian Boot Camp for sleeping with the therapist,† explained Peter. â€Å"Seriously?† asked Cody. I could already tell he was envisioning images of pine trees and snow-capped mountains. I shrugged. â€Å"Figure of speech. It's some stupid job I have to do for him. I was there earlier today and got sent home empty-handed because there was nothing for me to do.† â€Å"I can't believe you'd do that,† said Cody. â€Å"Work for Cedric?† â€Å"No. Go to Canada and not bring us back Tim Hortons.† The vampires invited me to stay for dinner, as I'd known they would, and we mulled over the mystery of last night's fight and other demonic politics. For the first time in a very long while, I had something to distract me other than Seth and the woes of my love life. There was nothing going on that really indicated some large, disastrous immortal scheme at work. A misunderstanding among vampires. A troublesome cult. An old grudge between demons. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else going on-something just beyond my reach. I kept thinking of what Tawny had said about scams and misdirection. I eventually gave up on trying to figure out the mystery for now, and the vampires soon started replaying every last detail of the previous night's fight-a topic they never seemed to tire of. The stories bored me after a while, and I instead found myself studying little things, like the layout of the apartment, the new appliances, the granite countertops†¦ â€Å"Do you think I should move?† I asked abruptly. Cody stopped mid-sentence. I think he'd been describing how he'd had Lenny the vampire in a chokehold. â€Å"What?† he asked. â€Å"I'm thinking of getting a new place.† â€Å"Were you even listening to my story?† asked Cody, looking slightly hurt. â€Å"You've lived over there for years,† said Peter. â€Å"As long as I've known you.† â€Å"I know. Maybe it's time for a change. It's small, and it's old.† â€Å"That's because it's a historic building,† argued Peter. â€Å"And,† added Cody, â€Å"it's close to where you work. You'd have to drive in if you moved-unless you're just going up the street or something.† My eyes focused on the far side of the room without really seeing it. I remembered talking to Seth the other night and how it had seemed like I couldn't get far enough away from him. I thought about our fight earlier tonight. â€Å"No,† I told them quietly. â€Å"I'd move somewhere else. Somewhere farther out.† â€Å"Ah,† said Peter in understanding. Cody frowned. â€Å"I don't get it. Why would you want to move far away from your-ow!† Peter had kneed him. Cody started to demand why, but then he seemed to catch on too. He was na;ve about immortal affairs, sometimes, but not human ones. His face turned sympathetic, which I hated. â€Å"Maybe change is good.† I didn't know if it was, but I didn't want them to sit and feel sorry for me, so I coaxed more fight stories from them for the next half-hour or so as a way to distract them and make amends for not paying attention earlier. I left shortly thereafter, wondering about whether it really was time to shake things up a little and move. Seth had already shaken my life up for the worse, and part of me wanted to rid myself of all those memories. Changing everything that I'd had while we'd been together-like my apartment-could be a way to do it. A clean cut. If I was really desperate, I could even consider switching jobs or cities. I didn't know if I was ready to go that far. It all depressed me. â€Å"Hey, succubus. You sure know how to keep a guy waiting.† I'd been walking up to my building without really paying attention, too lost in my own thoughts. Now, in the faint glow of the light above the building's entrance, I saw Dante sitting on the steps. His black hair was brushed away from his face, and he wore a light coat over his usual attire of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. He probably had a watch on under there too but almost never wore any other ornamentation or jewelry. I mustered a smile for him. â€Å"Sorry,† I said. â€Å"I called you earlier.† â€Å"And I called you back.† â€Å"Did you?† I pulled out my cell phone and saw three missed calls from him. â€Å"Oh, shit. I had the ringer off. Sorry.† He shrugged and stood up. â€Å"It's okay, just part of the endless torment I go through for you. One mysterious message saying you're going to Vancouver indefinitely. Another saying you're back but don't know for how long. Then no answer.† I realized I hadn't even thought much about how this international travel would affect Dante. That kind of radio silence would have never happened with Seth. I wouldn't have rested until we'd made contact and would have quickly noticed the ringer problem. With Dante, I'd left the voice-mail message and promptly put him out of my mind. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and unlocked the door. His face was scratchy and overdue for a shave. â€Å"Sorry,† I said again. â€Å"How's it been going?† â€Å"Same as it always does. Had a couple of drunk teens come in for palm readings last night, so that was a windfall. I could have taken you out someplace nice for a change.† â€Å"It would have beat what I was doing instead.† As we went upstairs to my apartment, I briefly gave him an overview of what was going on. As someone attuned to the paranormal world, there was little about demonic affairs that surprised him. I'd met Dante back in December, during the mess with Niphon. As part of his plan, Niphon had used a chaos entity named Nyx to suck energy from me in my sleep via realistic, emotionally charged dreams. Not knowing what was happening, I'd come to Dante for dream interpretation. He'd been abrasive, sarcastic, and infuriating throughout the entire process yet had steadily grown on me-until I learned the truth about his past. He'd done horrible things-hurt people, killed people, betrayed his own principles-in the name of selfish desires and a quest for power. Those atrocities had left him with an empty soul and bitter self-loathing. I'd loathed him too and swore I was done with him. Then, things had fallen apart with Seth and me. My world had been torn apart, and I found myself with an empty soul and bitter self-loathing of my own. Seth had inspired me to believe in better things in the world, but all that hope had disappeared with our love. Dante's bleak, cynical outlook seemed more realistic now and more in line with my own worldview. He and I had hooked up, eerily compatible in our mutual despair. I didn't love him, but I liked him. I poured us glasses of Grey Goose once we were inside. I preferred gimlets but didn't feel like going to the trouble of finding my lime juice. We settled on my couch with our drinks and cigarettes, and I finished up the story of my Canadian misadventures. â€Å"Wow,† he said when I was done. â€Å"All that because you fucked your therapist?† Unlike Seth, who hadn't liked knowing details about my succubus sex life, Dante took it all in stride. I shrugged. â€Å"Well, I had nothing to do with the vampire gang war last night. But yeah, the rest is on me, I guess. You think they're related?† He swirled his vodka around. â€Å"If you don't think Cedric did it, then probably not. The vampire thing is likely a coincidence. But that Portland demon was right. You probably are being played.† There was almost a growl to his words, uncharacteristically protective. I groaned. â€Å"But how? Everyone keeps saying that, yet I only got involved twenty-four-hours ago. How am I being manipulated in some huge affair in so short a time?† â€Å"Because you've walked into something that's been going on for a while. It's not built around you per se, but now you're in it.† I leaned back against the couch and stared bleakly at the ceiling. â€Å"I should have never slept with Dr. Davies.† â€Å"Was he good?† â€Å"Are you jealous?† â€Å"Nah. Just trying to figure out what turns you on.† â€Å"Scathing wit, if present company's any indication.† â€Å"Somehow, I'm not convinced that's the allure. Besides, are you saying you're turned on right now?† I was still staring at the ceiling. There were some fine cracks in the paint I hadn't noticed before. â€Å"Do you think I should move?† â€Å"What, closer to me?† â€Å"No, as in out. Into a new place.† â€Å"What's wrong with this one? You have a great place. At least you don't live where you work.† Dante's bedroom was attached to his store. I leaned forward and looked at him with a smile. â€Å"I might as well live where I work. I don't know. I feel like it's time for a change.† His gray eyes were thoughtful as he regarded me. â€Å"You've told me about this-how you get an itch for change and suddenly end up transforming your identity and moving to a different country.† Reaching out, I gently brushed some of his black hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ears. â€Å"I've only been here for fifteen years. It's way too soon to leave.† â€Å"So you say. Today you talk about a new apartment, tomorrow you could disappear. For all I know, maybe you're scoping out new employment opportunities in Vancouver.† I laughed and knocked back the rest of my vodka. â€Å"No, definitely not. Although, I think Cedric would be easier to work for than Jerome. Or at least a little less annoying.† â€Å"Even in Canada?† â€Å"Canada's not that bad. Vancouver's actually a pretty cool city. But don't tell anyone I said that.† Dante set his glass down and reached into his shirt pocket. â€Å"Maybe I can bribe you to stick around. Or at least be on time.† A flash of gold caught my eye as he lifted out a watch. It was delicate, almost looking more like a bracelet than a true watch. It had gold links for a band, and its face had a filigree pattern that glittered in the light. I often found watches boring and utilitarian, but this was beautiful. He handed it to me, and I held it up to get a better look. I could shape-shift any jewelry I wanted onto me, but something manmade-something given as a gift-always had more meaning. â€Å"Where did you get this?† I asked. â€Å"Did you steal it?† He scoffed. â€Å"Figures. I do something nice, and you have to question it.† â€Å"Sorry,† I said, feeling a tiny bit bad. That had been pretty ungrateful of me. â€Å"But you can't tell me this is part of your normal budget, not with the business you get.† â€Å"I told you, I had a good streak last night. And since you weren't around for a night on the town, I figured I'd show you my undying affection some other way. Now, are you going to say thank you, or are you going to keep bitching me out?† â€Å"Thank you,† I said. I fastened the watch onto my wrist and admired the way it looked against my tanned skin. â€Å"Maybe you'll be easier to find now-or at least be on time.† I grinned. â€Å"Oh, this wasn't affection. This was pragmatism.† â€Å"Nah. A little of both. I wanted to get you jewelry, but necklaces and rings are too sappy.† He held up his own wrist. â€Å"Only thing that didn't make me want to throw up.† â€Å"And they say there's no romance left in this world,† I laughed. He gently reached out and touched the watch, tracing a circle around my wrist. Then, his hand trailed up my arm and along the edge of my blouse's V-neck, letting him slip his fingers underneath it. Slowly, carefully, he moved over to one of my breasts, his fingertips dancing around the edges of my nipple, which already stood up hard under the thin fabric. He circled the nipple, pressure increasing, until he finally pinched it between his fingers, squeezing it so unexpectedly hard that I gave a small gasp of surprise. â€Å"Whoa, you don't waste any time,† I said. â€Å"You give a gift, and thirty seconds later, it's a free-for-all?† His eyes were hungry and intense now, reminding me of storm clouds. â€Å"I've missed you,† he said. â€Å"I keep thinking I'll get used to you†¦that you'll stop being so sexy. But it never happens.† Impromptu or not, I felt my own lust stirring. We hadn't been together in a while, and there was a big difference between sleeping with strangers and with those you were close to. He wrapped one hand in my hair, holding it tight, not caring if it hurt me or not. Domination and power, the ability to inflict pain if he wanted, always turned him on, and I had gotten used to this game. He jerked me to him and pressed his lips against my neck as I tilted my head back. His breath was hot against my skin as his teeth grazed me. Meanwhile his hands reached out and grasped the sides of my blouse, ripping it open. A couple of buttons scattered across the floor. Heat was building between my legs, and I moved closer as his hands closed around the cups of my black satin bra. He pushed the edges of it down so that my breasts spilled over the tip, then pinched both nipples down, nails digging in. I moaned again, and while I really wasn't into pain, I always liked the way he mingled it with pleasure. Satisfied at my reaction, he moved his hands down to his jeans and unfastened them, pulling them and his boxers down partway, revealing the erection that had been straining against the fabric. He gripped my shoulders and shoved me down to the floor, needing no words to make his wishes apparent. I didn't hesitate. He leaned back against the couch, and I took him into my mouth, letting him fill it up and nearly touch the back of my throat. My lips slid back and forth on him as his hands tangled in my hair, pulling hard. I sucked more urgently, letting my tongue dance and tease as I moved. He'd been hard when I started, but he swelled even more as I brought him in and out of me. â€Å"Harder,† he grunted. I met his eyes, which were filled with a primal desire that exalted in putting me in such a submissive role. I sucked him harder and faster, my lips hitting his body over and over as they glided along that hard length. His breathing became heavier, his moans louder. I felt him grow in my mouth until it seemed like I couldn't take anymore. He suddenly shifted forward to the edge of the couch, letting him thrust his hips forward and take control. Still holding my shoulders, he shoved himself into me, fucking my mouth as hard as he could. I gave a surprised muffled grunt that seemed to turn him on further. Then, with a great groan, he gave one last hard thrust and abruptly pulled out so that he came half in me and half on me. It left my skin and breasts warm and sticky. Still gasping, he pulled me up and ran his hands all over my body, uncaring of the increasing mess. His fingertip traced the edges of my lips, and I kissed it. A look of supreme satisfaction crossed his features. Still keeping me standing, he slid a hand between my thighs and up my skirt. His fingers slipped under my panties, thrusting deep within me. He exhaled with pleasure. â€Å"God, you're wet. Kind of wish I'd fucked you now.† I kind of wished that too, but his fingers were going a long way to make up for that. I burned and ached for his touch, having grown more aroused than I'd expected to. He slid his fingers out of me, then moved them up to my clit and the center of my desire. He stroked and encircled, and I felt heat build up, ready to explode. I leaned forward, resting my hands on his shoulders where he sat. This put my breasts right in his face, and he leaned forward, sucking hard on one of them, teeth nipping at that sensitive skin. It wasn't going to take much to make me come. He pulled his mouth and fingers back at the same time. I whimpered, wanting-needing-him to touch me again. â€Å"You want that? You want me to get you off?† His voice was soft and menacing. â€Å"Yes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Beg me,† he said menacingly. â€Å"Beg me to.† â€Å"Please,† I begged, my body arching back, straining to get closer to him. â€Å"Please†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His fingers and mouth returned, and like that, I exploded. The orgasm made my body spasm as I struggled to stay upright. My knees and legs were weak, but I knew if I collapsed, he wouldn't be able to touch me anymore, and I wanted his fingers to keep stroking me as I came, bringing me to further and further heights of ecstasy. Finally, when I couldn't take it anymore, I gave in to my trembling muscles. I sank to the ground and rested my head against his knee. His hand found my hair, stroking it gently this time. The couch made for an uncomfortable respite, so we retired to my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. Sighing, Dante lay back against the covers and half-pulled the sheet over him. I hadn't taken up much energy from him, but he still wore the exhausted, blissfully lethargic look of so many men after sex. I didn't feel particularly wiped out, and upon realizing I'd left my cigarettes in the other room, I promptly climbed out of bed to retrieve them. â€Å"I almost believed it this time,† he said when I reached the doorway. â€Å"Hmm?† I asked, pausing and glancing back. â€Å"That you were into it,† he explained. â€Å"I almost believed you were.† I narrowed my eyes. â€Å"Are you accusing me of faking?† â€Å"No, you never fake. But that doesn't mean you're always into it either. Sometimes I get the feeling you sleep with me simply because you've got nothing else better to do.† â€Å"That's not true,† I said. â€Å"There are plenty of guys better than you.† He crooked me a smile. â€Å"But none who are as convenient or who can provide the illusion of a regular partner and bed warmer.† â€Å"Man, you sure do know how to ruin the afterglow.† â€Å"Nah, I'm just being realistic, that's all. I don't mind you using me.† His joking aside, I could see the underlying affection. Bitter and cynical he might be, but the look he gave me was filled with sincere caring. I rolled my eyes. â€Å"I'm not using you.† But as I walked off to the living room, I wasn't sure if I believed that myself.