Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay in Economics - The 4 Most Important Rules

Essay in Economics - The 4 Most Important RulesAn essay in economics usually follows a pattern. That pattern is derived from a set of rules and it helps writers to structure their essay. It is the writer's job to follow these rules.The first rule is to use a single example in your sample essay in economics because it provides the writer with a great deal of evidence for their argument. They can point to the example, say 'I am trying to prove something', and then show how the example illustrates what they are saying.Second, they should not generalize too much. You can use generalizations all you want but if you do so with care and attention to detail, you will be able to demonstrate what you are trying to say in your example. So do use it sparingly, but use it wisely.The third rule is to use 'sufficient evidence' as the cornerstone of your essay. Let us take for example the example of how currency fluctuates in relation to income. If we are trying to prove that a rise in the cost of l iving leads to a fall in the value of the currency, then we must use some concrete evidence. A great deal of data is required.This kind of evidence can be found in the behavior of the economy, or in more direct and less academic ways like examining the behavior of the price of goods. There are several excellent books on this topic.The fourth rule is to use 'common sense'. There is absolutely no point in using specialized 'nonsense' when it comes to writing an essay in economics. A broad, general idea is always the best way to go.The final rule is to use what people already know to support your conclusions. Be sure to keep it simple so that your readers don't have to go through the trouble of researching the same information for two different reasons.Those are just four of the most important rules when it comes to writing an essay in economics. There are others but we are talking about a single rule here, and it can be summarized in one word: Simplicity.

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